Friday, 5 July 2013

Opposites attract!

He said, “People like you make this world human.”

They say opposites attract. But we still look for people who are just like us. Why are we looking for clones when being with someone totally opposite of us could be so much better?

I have this really close friend. We are just like chalk and cheese. Even today, the reason behind our friendship is a mystery. How could two people so different from each other become friends? I thought the rule of opposites attract was applicable only in love. We always look for friends who are just like us. Rather I always looked for friends who were pretty similar to me. They had similar interests and pretty much the same outlook towards life. 
How did I come across this friend? I don't really know.

The funny part here is even if we have similar interest, we have different liking. Confused? Let me explain. We both love to reach but the kind of genre is totally opposite. We are foodies but the kind of cuisine we enjoy is different. Yet when we are together, time flies at the fastest pace. There isn't a dull moment. 

The biggest difference is I'm emotional while he isn't. So you can't really turn to him when you're low or upset just like you would to your girlfriends. Surprisingly, I do end up turning to him and you know why? Because he gets right to the point so that I snap out of my issues and I'm back to normal. Sometimes I feel that it's really rude and mean but eventually I do agree that something we do need someone to jolt us back to reality so that we don't end up getting deeper in the emotional mess. 

The other day we got talking and suddenly he chucked. Yes you guessed it right. I was annoyed. How could he just chuckle when I'm talking about something important? I wasn't narrating a comic story. He said, "Its your innocence that made me chuckle. There are very few people who are like you. I hope you do not change." I said, "We need to have people like me, because the world is filled with people like you. We need a balance." 

For me it is easy to be caring, understanding and considerate because that's how I am. That's what people who know me identify with. I do know any other way. But for people like him, its tough to be like me because emotions lead to pain and getting over pain is really difficult. In my opinion only two types of people would think so. Either someone who has been emotionally scarred or someone who wants to save himself from the emotional trauma. He finds it difficult to be like me because that's too much hard work. For me it's difficult to be like him because that's hard work for me. I can't be calculative and emotionally detached when it comes to relationships. Relationships are toughest to maintain but at the same time they are one of the most beautiful chapters of our life. If it weren't for them our life would be a boring, robotic existence. Depressing!!!

Having said that, I feel the main reason that we are friends is because we compliment each other. There is never a dull moment because there is something new to experience every time  Our views on issues are different. The way we tackle issues is different. The way we look at life is different. Everything is just so different. For me it kind of makes me think about life from a different view points. And sometimes his way is the better way.

Humans are really stubborn. We always feel our way is the best way, but sometimes its best to take up a different approach in life. You would be surprised at what you would discover. Maybe a side of you that you weren't really aware off. Wouldn't that be great? It sure is for me.

Yes! Opposites do attract because we need a balance between the people we are associated it. Wouldn't the world be a mess with just too many practical people or just too many emotional ones?  After all who would want to be with a clone, right? Someone who would do what you do and say what you say! That would be a dull, boring existence.
Just the thought worries me.

Even though people like me are few, they help balance out people like him.