Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Will our grandchildren known what a tree is?

"Because we don't think about future generations, they will never forget us."
                                                                                                         - Henrik Tikkanen
Today is World Environment Day. There are numerous activities that are carried out all over the world for environment awareness and protection. Some of us actively take part while the rest of us read about it in the morning newspaper over a cup of hot tea. We criticize everyone from the government to the city we reside in and our neighbours as well. Once we are done with sipping our tea. We close the newspaper and proceed towards the activities of the day.

Every year on June 5th we vow to do our bit towards the environment and the vow is lost as soon as the day ends. Is it really so difficult to look after the environment we live in? Do you know that we can actually do our bit towards the environment if we make certain small changes in our living?
We don’t really need a day for this, but for all those who need an initial push then this is the best day to begin with.

Recently I attended a press conference for a cycle rally that was held in the city. One of the panel members, who also happen to be a doctor had an interesting advice to give.  He said, “Just for the time being stop thinking about things around and concentrate on your health. Take up cycling so that you lead a fitter lifestyle. Only when you are fit, can you focus on the betterment of the environment. If you take up cycling for health benefits you are indirectly working towards the betterment of the environment by reducing the usage of fuel driven vehicles.” 

I would suggest take to walking or cycling to short distances and if you must use a vehicle, opt for carpool if you are going to the same place as your colleague or friends and family. You’ll not only save fuel but also help reduce the pollution around.

Water is the one of the most important element but is used too generously. Use it wisely or else there would be a day when it would be scarce and we would have to at the price of gold.

Similarly, garbage disposal is a big problem. Start by segregating the wet from the dry. The wet can be decomposed in your backyard and reused as manure. It’s like dual benefit; you are sorting the garbage disposal problem as well as doing your bit to retain greenery around.

With the advancement in technology, we all have too many gadgets around. No! I’m not asking you to stop using them. But yes! Use them wisely. Simple things like conserving energy and using the gadgets only when required is something we all can do. Look at the environment around as you own home. Would you do anything which would harm you or the people residing with you? Why is environment different? It’s your home and if you don’t look after it, when how will?

There are innumerable NGO and organization who are striving to pass on the message of environment conservation, but it still seems to fall on deaf ears. Maybe people still haven’t realized the gravity of the problem and before we know it’ll all be gone! I hope we don’t see a day when our grandchildren would ask us, “What’s a tree grandma?” and all you can do then is close your eyes and think about your younger years when you could see these green beauties around.

Just the thought is quite terrible, right? It isn’t too late; pull up your socks and this World Environment Day vow to do your bit. Let it not die as the day ends.

If you’re wondering where to begin from, it's simple begin from home!

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