With my hair tied up in a sleek ponytail. I'm all set to create magic!
I love cooking. Always have. It gives me immense pleasure to see my creation and hear the appreciation that follows.
Cooking for me is therapeutic. In recent times its has also been proved so by psychiatrists.
Further they also state that cooking is in fact destressing as it serves as a creative outlet. The aroma, the taste, the sight as also the sizzling helps in calming the nerves.
Although cooking is a stress relieving tool, my love for it comes from the fact that I'm a hardcore foodie. Whether its the meat, the veggies, the desserts or the drinks - I love it all! I love experimenting with different cuisines thus adding them to the 'Tried & Taste' list that I've been carrying around.
To be honest I do cook when I'm stressed but I also cook when I'm happy and wish to treat myself and the ones around to some mouth watering delicacies. I'm always on a look out for new recipes and keep trying them whenever I have the time. It gives me immense pride to confess that I'm an experimental cook. I usually just take up the ingredients from the recipe but end up putting it all together the way I want to. In the process added or deleting some of the mentioned ingredient. Thus, the outcome is a prefect blend of efforts, creativity and the sole thought of creating magic.
There are time when I walk into the kitchen and without any recipe in hand or mind, I just pick up the first few ingredient that I set my hands on. You know, sometimes it amazes me because I feel like I'm driven by some external force and I really have no control over the actions. Its like my hands and the ingredients that I absentmindedly select have their own way of communicating. I start my adding the ingredients one after the other. Voila! There it is my very own creation!
I believe the credit goes to the fact that I take special interest in the kind of food I eat. I always try to figure out the ingredients used and the combination of the flavor, the meats and the veggies. Certain aspects of cooking are totally etched in my mind, therefore I feel that at times my subconscious mind teams up with my hand. Maybe that's the force that guides me to pick up and prepare the those appetizing treats. TING! Oh well, that's the oven. I guess my chocolate chip cookies are ready now.
Cooking for me is something that comes straight from my heart and that's why there is a lot of passion and dedication in everything that I dish out. What is it that comes straight from your heart? I'm sure there is that one special thing that sets you apart form the rest.
As Mr. Ping says in the Movie - Kung Fu Panda, "There is no secret ingredient" Its always you. To make something special you have to believe that its special. So till you figure that out, I think I'll dig into those large sumptuous cookies!
Won't you wish me Bon Appetit?
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