Tuesday 20 September 2011

The Day I Found My Twin!

Last weekend I had been for my friend Nafisa's two year old's birthday party. It all started with me hunting for the perfect gift for the naughty little kiddo. Believe me when I say this, 'It's easier to buy gifts for grown ups' Finally with a lot of looking around I settled on a pink Barbie cushion and a Winnie the Pooh stuff toy. By the way tear bear is my favourite stuff toy. 

As soon I entered the party house I was stunned for a moment. I had never been to a house filled up with so many shrieking kids. All of them running from one corner to another.  The reaction was also the result of being the youngest in the family therefore I've never been around younger siblings.

I finally spotted my friend with the birthday girl Aaisha and made my way towards them while dodging through the kids. After the initial birthday wishes and handing over the gifts, I made my way through the house looking for a familiar face. That's when I entered the gift wrapping room which was later converted into the "Stay-away-from-the-shrieking-kids-room"  There I bumped into another friend, Heena who was busy wrapping the return gifts. I thought I'd help her as I did not have much to do and also because the kids were busy playing games. As the cake cutting was going to take sometime, I thought I'd make myself useful. I was introduced to  Heena's friend Ruchika and we became the gift wrapping team.

As the conversation picked up we were so engrossed that we never realized it was time to cut the cake.The minute the kids heard about it, they rushed to the table the way the Wildebeest rush to cross the river during Migration. 

The foodie that I am, I was really happy that soon the dinner would be served! I made my way to the food counter with Ruchika.  We filled our plates and settle at one of the neatly decorated tables. We spoke of everything from work to food to hobbies. You name it and we had spoken about it. It felt as if we had been friends forever.

It is amazing how we meet people for a really short time and feel that we've known each other for ever. What is this bond that we share? Is there a past life connect like some put it or is it just of two people with common interests and common expectations in life who have come together?

I've had my series of ups and downs in life but the past few years have seen more of downs that ups. In these times of distress its quite rare to find someone who knows exactly what one is going throughI've had times when I have desperately tried to convey certain things to people and how much ever I try, I've never been able to get my ideas across. The connection is sometimes just not there. While talking about aspirations, I spoke about certain things that I've been meaning to take up and haven't. At that point, Ruchika knew exactly what I was talking about. Sometimes we feel a connection with certain people, where the other person knows what we are talking about even before the words are spoken. That's exactly how I felt when we spoke to her. Suddenly she said," Oh wow I've found my twin!" All this when I had opened my mouth to utter the exact same words.

Soon it was time for me to go home. After the good-byes and all I made my way to my car. While driving back home I couldn't stop myself by replaying the events of the evening.  What started as an anxious evening finally with me finding my "Twin." This would be one of the finest evenings I've had in a really long time. So I guess He is really watching us from up there in.

I'm impelled to believe now that God has too many surprised in store for us and discloses them only when he feels we would really appreciate them. Looking forward to many more surprises!


  1. Lovely blog soul sister :) Looking forward to many many more!- Your twin :)

  2. I'm so glad u loved it! I'll keep u posted about new ones.

    Your Twin :)
